Alexander Kurlovich
About me
Tender Maze
fungi ang moss
MacroAbstract 2022
Black and White
Sokolniki park
Japaniese garden
Sokolniki 35 mm
Dense forest
Clavulina pyxidata mushrooms on an old stump
Mycena galericulata mushrooms on an old stump, closeup
Ascocoryne sarcoides mushrooms on an old stump
Puffball mushrooms on a stump - Lycoperdon umbrinum in a moss
Toadstool (Amanita muscaria) mushroom near the forest tree, closeup
Sparassis crispa mushroom, close up shot, local focus
Mushrooms (slime mould Lycogala epidendrum) on an old stump
Chicken of the woods (Laetiporus sulphureus), closeup
Coprinus cinereus mushrooms, close up shot
Polyporus tuberaster mushroom in the forest, close up shot
Mushrooms (Gymnopus confluens) on an old gray autumn leaves
Mushroom (Lactarius tabidus) on a stump in a green moss
Cyathus striatus mushrooms on the autumn leaves
Trichophaea hemisphaerioides fungus, close up shot, local focus
Mushrooms (slime mould Trichia decipiens ) on an old stump
Lactarius turpis mushroom, also known as Ugly Milk-cap
Toadstool and brown birch bolete mushrooms near the forest tree, closeup
Toadstool (Amanita muscaria) mushroom near the forest tree, closeup
Bisporella citrina [Calycella citrina], macro shot, local focus
Hypholoma lateritium or brick cap, is considered inedible in Europe and edible in USA and Japan
Pholiota aurivella mushroom on a birch tree
Grifola frondosa, edible polyporus mushroom whidele khown in Far East and North America.
Coprinus comatus mushrooms, close up shot
Mushrooms (Mycena inclinata) on a stump in a green moss
Pholiota aurivella mushroom on a birch tree
Sheathed woodtuft on an old stump close up
Polyporus squamosus mushroom in the forest, close up shot
Marasmius wettsteinii musrooms close up shot local focus
Tremella fimbriata on a dead birch branch
Mushrooms (slime mould Tubifera ferruginosa) on an old stump
Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa mushrooms on an old stump
Ramaria stricta mushrooms on an old stump
Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa myxomycetes in a moss on a stump
Postia stiptica parasite mushrooms, close up shot
Trichaptum biforme parasite mushrooms, close up shot
Phallus impudicus (common stinkhorn) mushroom in autumn leaves
Fringed earthstar (Geastrum fimbriatum) mushroom close up shot
Phlebia tremellosa fungus on a stump, close up shot
Mushrooms (slime mould Tubifera ferruginosa) on an old stump
Puffball mushrooms on a stump - Lycoperdon sp on an old wood
Fuligo septica mushrooms (slime mould) on an old stump
Calocera cornea mushrooms on a dead wood, close up
Entoloma sp. (euchroum?) in a forest, close up shot, local focus
Pholiota lubrica mushrooms on a soil with autumn leaves
Flammulina velutipes mushrooms on an old stump
Flammulina velutipes mushrooms on an old stump
Trametes versicolor mushroom on a dead tree
Sheathed woodtuft on an old stump, closeup
Common earthball mushroom, close up shot, local focus
Pholiota aurivella mushroom on an old stump
Fistulina hepatica (beefsteak fungus) mushroom, close up shot
Coprinus micaceus mushroom near the tree, close up
Stropharia caerulea mushrooms, closeup shot, local focus
Flammulina velutipes mushrooms on an old stump
Рамария обыкновенная (Ramaria eumorpha)
Рамария обыкновенная (Ramaria eumorpha) на лесной подстилке, лесопарк "Сокольники", Москва
Дождевики на пне
Грибы дождевики (Lycoperdon sp)на пне спиленного дерева, лесопарк "Сокольники", Москва
Чешуйчатка золотистая
Грибы Чешуйчатка золотистая (Pholiota aurivella) на пне спиленного дерева, лесопарк "Сокольники", Москва.